
在湖的时间里:常州 路劲金东方玖园 | 魏玛设计

创新空间的 看见景观 2023-09-14


In the city, architecture and landscape are subject to the vertical and horizontal of the urban network. Do they still have the dignity they deserve as individuals? A city with amnesia, just like a person with amnesia, can hardly be said to be healthy. How can we, as landscape practitioners, innovate artistic and natural expression on the basis of continuing the main language family? Defend the core of landscape design? This time, let's complete the meditation on the winding rivers, lakes and their tributaries, witness the mutual taming of the lake and time, and make the memory play and cross the winding fan park.


This second exhibition is centered on the lake area as a whole. On the basis of continuing to exhibit the aesthetics of caring for oneself, we pay more attention to showing the literati attachment of human beings to the traditional elements in the misty rain south of the Yangtze River with the development of the times, the care and memory of the elderly, the refinement of Tao Yuanming's former residence, the poetic elegance of "a picturesque cloister" and "a pond full of fish", as well as the details of components and the gardening skills of ancient methods. We aim to break away from the pure language family of theory and practice and show the civilization, softness and solidification, ups and downs and perception of lakes and canals and dams under the eternal sky.


"One bridge, one water, one source, one inheritance", the mountain has its peak, and the lake has its other shore. China gardens are known as the tradition of "no garden without water". The overall setting of the lake area is to interpret the meaning of embracing water around the mountain, connect the water system changes with the lake revetment, continue the memory of Changzhou Mengli water town with water as the pulse, trace back the impression of blue bricks and black tiles, and protect the life on the lakeside for thousands of years.


Stone green is paved, and the corridor is back. Looking up, I can see that the light and dark aluminum plates of the clubhouse along the lake are matched with champagne aluminum plates. The overall spatial tonality complements the "green" of the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River with "clear", and the sky and the lake blend into one color. When I look around, I don't know where I am. It's like being in the world, still between painters and painters.


"Sitting alone in a leisurely room, taking time to cook tea slowly", the lingering dusk, the dark color of the south of the Yangtze River, the teahouse stands on the side of the lake area, exquisite and small, sitting here with friends, making a pot of green tea, watching the lake light, poetic Taoyuan, cleansing the soul, and remembering the leisure when you are young, which is a great pleasure!


When today's recreation has become the primary purpose of gardens, and the living theme of the past no longer occupies a dominant position, the reality and emptiness of space, the inside and the outside have undergone a qualitative exchange, and you will be attracted by the structure outside the poetic rhyme during pacing, which contains the art of carving, such as cutting and grinding.


The landscape needs to be virtual and real, and the texture is exquisite and enjoyable. The small flying rainbow connects the secluded place of bamboo forest with the lake area, which is well evacuated and conforms to the texture of the site, and constructs a free walking system. The ground pavement "Flower Street Paving" comes from the gardening techniques of classical gardens in China. The railings and lamps along the lake are interpreted in a classical form combined with contemporary techniques. One mountain, one stone, one grass, one tree, ingenuity, passing on the old and the new, walking among them, just like traveling through the Millennium, looking at the moon by the fence and returning to the hometown between lakes.



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项目地址|江苏 常州




感谢  魏玛设计

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